
“sign   in,” “mush   hush,” “fast   falls,” “you who/ held or dreamed it,” “FAQ what / beholden you dreamed it in,” “no   no,” “goodnight   light,” “spider   inside,” “mouth   mask,” “lamb   land,”  Tupelo Quarterly. Issue 32. Folio curated by guest editor, Karla Kelsey. May 2024.

“What is the reason for your visit,” Action, Spectacle. Curated by guest co-editor, Lyn Hejinian. Winter 2024.

“First morning,” “[wish] [list] / A Wanding Procedure,” Oversound, Issue Nine, 2024.

“from wyrd] bird,” Always Crashing, Issue Three, 2020.

“from wyrd] bird,” Denver Quarterly, Issue 54.3, 2020.

“between the ear, o wax hands, book wax” “words mud in,” Juked, 5.29, 2020.

“[Out from sleep’s dewdark corridors],” “[Sometimes the visionary epiphany is a simple one],” “[When layers of consciousness are stripped away],” The Laurel Review, 2020.

“from wyrd] bird,” Pulpmouth, Issue Three, 2020.

“from wyrd] bird,” Queen Mob’s Teahouse, 2020.

“I woke at 4 and believed that all of my thoughts were little bloody teeth,” “Times I almost text you,” “wyrd] bird,” “And I saw massive, tank-like machines turning over the corn fields, harvesting corn,” “What emptiness.” Bomb Cyclone, Issue Four, 2019.

“from wyrd] bird,” Mary: A Journal of New Writing, Winter 2019.

“from wyrd] bird,” Oversound, Issue Five, 2019.

“2 fang vision spells,” Apogee, Issue 10, 2017.

“petals in what teeth,” Berkeley Poetry Review, Issue 48, 2017.

“from Oil Spell,” Calamity Mag, Issue III, 2017.

“three poems,” Cosmonauts Avenue, August Issue, 2017.

“industrialized farming practices, abuse and,” “slopes and gorges and crags with patches,” “walking in the woods // hung on a promontory,” “Two missile were fired Drone,” DREGINALD, Issue Twelve, 2017.

“from Oil Spell,” Glint Literary Journal, Issue 8, 2017.

“// | {invoke _night*[spell],” “spell,” Perigree, Place[meant] series, 2017.

“slowly chanting,” “greywhite night mist,” and “At about 1630 hours,” “come back,” Spoon River Poetry Review, Issue 42.1 Summer, 2017.

“Rose,” “Root I,” “Root II,” “Wind I,” “Wind II,” JERRY, Issue 11, 2017.

“Where,” Cold Cut, Issue 1, 2016.

“Green,” Colorado Review, Spring, 2016.

“Web,” Cordite, Issue 53.1 BAY AREA, 2016.

“Sunken,” Oversound, Issue Two, 2016.

“Moth,” Animal: A Beast of a Literary Magazine, March, 2015.

“Move,” Bone Bouquet, Issue 6.2, Fall, 2015.

“Round,” RealPoetik, 2015.

“Line,” Room: Literature, Art, and Feminism Since 1975, Issue 38.4, 2015.

“Mouth,” “This living and,” Berkeley Poetry Review, Issue 45, 2014.

“Honey,” Typo Issue 22, 2014.